About Burn Scars

Burn scars are usually inevitable when the dermis is damaged and without surgery the wound takes up to three weeks or longer to heal. Although split skin grafts reduce healing times and scarring, they still leave a scar. Even with excellent treatment a scar may be present once the wound has healed. Although scarring can be minimized or improved by various non-invasive, semi-invasive treatments and surgical procedures the scar can’t completely be eliminated. Burn scars are often characterized by hypertrophy, contraction and an uneven texture.

Photo of a burn scar on the leg
Photo of a burn scar on the upper leg
Photo of a burn scar on the face, right next to the nose
Photo of burn scars on both arms

Treatment options for Burn Scars

More info about the categories
  • Home Treatments: The major part of your scar treatment happens at home. There exists a wide variety of home treatments like pressure therapy, silicone, topicals etc…
  • Non Invasive Treatments: Several scar management techniques performed by scar specialist have proven their efficacy and will help you to improve your scar.
  • Minimally Invasive Treatments: These treatments have become increasingly popular over the last years. Highly visible results and short recuperation times are responsible for this popularity.
  • Surgery: Reconstructive surgery is often seen as the last option after all other treatment options have failed. However, with burn scars it is often a necessary measure.

Below you will find an overview of all possible treatments. Click on the different categories to look for specific types of treatment.