Scar Taping
Why Scar Taping?
Elastic taping (kinesio tape) is an acrylic adhesive that is often used as a physiotherapeutic tool for the treatment of various musculoskeletal problems and other clinical conditions in athletes and patients.
Treatment effect
Elastic tape correctly applied can treat injuries, reduce symptoms from tissue strain, reduce inflammation, pain and oedema and correct posture. There is increasing evidence that mechanical forces can regulate (reduce) inflammation and pathological scarring. More recently taping has been used to treat scars, e.g., tape is used to put pressure on scars. Tape is also cost effective and reasonably easy to use / wear. Taping is often used in combination with compression, massage, and silicones.
Main improvements
- Reduced scar width
- Reduced procedure times
- Reduced scar height
- Reduced scar itch
- Improved scar colour
Adverse effects
- Local irritation due to allergic reaction between the tape and skin/scar